Tuesday, January 7, 2014


So this doesn't have to do so much with public transportation as it has to do with public in transit. As you may or may not know, it's bloody cold, like freeze your zipper to your face cold. People are all hustling around in cars while I wait for the bus (that is running 20 min behind-- and considering there hasn't been any snow or craziness besides the cold to slow traffic down, that's a pile of crap too) but anyhow, I'm standing around here watching people do some awesome driving fails. They are especially awesome when they try to squeak (as much as an escalade can "squeak" anywhere) between the windroughs and a moving grader.... Not just a truck with a blade on it, a full on Catterpillar tractor with giant life-ending-brain-squishing, drive-over-your-caddy-and-not-even-notice tires on it, and an 8 foot steel blade on it that will smear you and your family across the pavement like peanut butter... Really?? 

You're going to risk an accident with one of these things to save the two minutes it will take him to pull out of the way? Fail.

Monday, December 16, 2013

here we go!

Ok, here it is. I'm going to do it.

Here's the blog I'm going to keep of all the bizarre stuff I see and hear on my public transit commute to and from work everyday. Just because sometimes these things are just too weird/funny not to share.

So to start off I'll just say that I take a bus and a train to work, and then a train and a bus back. And usually the morning bus is pretty uneventful, I'm not sure if that's merely because no one is quite fully awake yet, or if the people on the bus typically are just more normal than average and can keep their weirdness to themselves more effectively...

Anyway, today I got to the bus stop early, so I caught an earlier bus... Ugh. Apparently on that bus, is a lady (who I got to share a folding bench with today) who likes to lift her feet just off the floor and "run on the spot". The whole. Fucking. Ride.

We were one turn from Southgate when I was ready to choke slam her into the floor, but instead I just moved to another seat.   So far it's a good start to the day.... -_-